Fluke 279 FC 热成像数字万用表 ? 全功能万用表,配有内置热成像仪 ? 15 种测量功能包括:低通滤波器交流电压、直流电压、电阻、通断性、电容、二极管测试、较小值/*值/平均值、交流电流(使用 iFlex)、频率 ? 热成像可揭示许多电气问题,即快速又安全,测试和检验不再费时 ? iFlex 可扩展测量功能,进入狭窄、难以到达的空间测量电流(交流高达 2500 A)
? 坚固耐用,能承受 3 米(9.8 英尺)坠落;双重绝缘,使用凸起的橡胶皮套加强保护 ? 图像分辨率:80 x 60 ? 3.5”/8.89 cm 彩色 LCD 屏幕 ? 可充电锂电池,正常工况下可使用一整天(10 小时以上) ? 美国组装,三年标准保修 ? 自动关机,节省电池电量 ? CAT III 1000 V、CAT =======================================
负责人:周晓易 微/信/同/号
279 FC is a full-featured digital
multimeter with integrated thermal imaging capabilities,
Designed to improve your work efficiency and confidence. Thermal imaging multimeter can help you quickly find,
Repair, inspect, and report many electrical problems to assure you that the problem has been resolved.
Thermal imaging multimeters are the premier fault diagnosis tool for electrical equipment and can be used to check for hot spots on high voltage equipment and transformers.
Test the heating of fuses, wires, insulators, connectors, splices and switches.
Many electrical problems can be quickly revealed from a safe distance when scanned through the 279 FC thermal imager.
By combining the two tools in one, the thermal imaging multimeter can reduce the burden and increase productivity.