提供清晰,需要快速发现问题的清晰图像分辨率240 x 180红外 确定即使是较小的温差变化可能表明热敏感问题()经济技术开发区 自动对齐(视差校正)的视觉和红外图像侥幸**IR-Fusion? 可选的长焦和广角镜头可以添加多功能性和特殊应用。 (字段)很容易安装 A clear image of the problem was found at 240 x 180 IR resolution
Determine that even the smallest changes in temperature differences may indicate heat-sensitive issues in economic and technological development zones
Automatic alignment (parallax correction) of visual and infrared images fluke patented IR-Fusion?
Optional telephoto and wide-angle lenses can add versatility and special applications. Easy to install