1、小巧轻便、拥有高可靠性和高精度 DL350是一款便携式仪器,重量只有3.9kg, 是高端型DL850E/DL850EV的一半。因为许多插入模块是相同的, 因此,DL350可以实现与DL850系列相同的高可靠性和高精度。 DL350还配备了内置电池,非常适合在没有交流电源的现场使用。 It can measure and record various types of **s over
long time and in multiple channels. These products are commonly
**s from automotive electronics and control systems.
Since its launch in 2010, the DL850/DL850V and the subsequent
DL850E/DL850EV have been widely used in the research and development
electrical and electronic equipment, automotive and other industries.